
Rain and Race on Your 4th of July Parade

Rain and Race on Your 4th of July Parade

I don't want to rain on your parade, but my guess is that if you're a member of my audience, you're not into ignorance.  While many Americans, especially white Americans, think of the 4th as a happy holiday meant for barbecues and beer, for other Americans, this...

The Best Investment You Can Make

Every day we show other people our values by where we put our time, attention, energy, and money.  It's so easy to be driven by other people's priorities, while placing what we want on the back burner. But that plan never...

How to Make and Manage Time

"Making time for what's important" is a goal I hear from a lot of women.  I have too much to do.  There aren't enough hours in the day.  But is that true?  Many times we procrastinate and allow ourselves only what we need,...

Three Simple Steps to Guard Against Burn Out

One of the things I hear consistently from my clients is, "I'm tired."  I feel that, too. As a coach and advocate, I spend a lot of time with data.  And as you might have noticed, it's not moving as quickly as any of us...

Getting It Wrong

Getting It Wrong

As someone who teaches both teaches leadership, team creation and trust, and most importantly to my heart, the power of diversity and inclusion, I think I know a thing or two. But I don't.  The piece of this work that is most humbling, challenging, and ultimately...

What is the ERA, and Why Are We Talking About It?

Have you heard about the Equal Rights Amendment, better known as the ERA?  No, not in some PBS documentary about the history of the 1970s, but TODAY.  Last week, Illinois became the 37th state to ratify the Equal Rights...

Making the Law of Attraction Actionable

Making the Law of Attraction Actionable

It's funny that I'm discussing this topic, because when I first learned about the Law of Attraction more than 10 years ago, I scoffed.  I had been stalking the previews for an upcoming Oprah episode featuring the teachers of The Secret. I could not wait to learn what...

What Happens When Your Worst Fears Are Realized?

What Happens When Your Worst Fears Are Realized?

When I first started working with my coach, Laura, I was broken.  I had just gotten divorced, lost my dog, and broken up with my best friend.  I was a real life Country Western song.   I had lost everything.  But do you know what happens after your worst fears are...

How Do You Know if Work is Toxic?

Unfortunately, a toxic work environment is not uncommon.  More than 39% of all employees report being yelled at, verbally assaulated, called names, degraded, humiliated, threatened, physically, or sexual assaulted at work. ...

THE Question to Ask Yourself to Find Your Purpose

What's your purpose? Kind of a loaded question, right?  Some people are lucky enough to know their purpose early on, some of us never figure it out, and many of us find ourselves stuck somewhere in between: knowing what we...

An Attitude of Gratitude.  And A Lack of Assumption

An Attitude of Gratitude. And A Lack of Assumption

It happens to me.  In fact, it's happening today. I get burned out on feminism, and liberation, and moving the needle.  It's too slow, and the endless assaults and micro-aggressions are just too much sometimes.  I feel the need to check out.  The attempt at equality...

Language of Inclusion

Language of Inclusion

Language Matters When Pitching If there is one thing I’ve learned as a business owner, it’s that language is everything.  A tough lesson for a practical girl who believes in doing things because it’s common sense.  Turns out, spin can help your audience experience a...

Two Tactics that Will Change Your Persuasive Powers in An Instant

Two Tactics that Will Change Your Persuasive Powers in An Instant

I was frustrated. And not being heard. I took a leave of absence to care for my nieces.  I came back to work after six weeks to find my world upside down.  My accounts were a mess, customers were angry, and rather than stepping up for me, my boss had thrown me under...

The Difference Between Empathy and Projection

The Difference Between Empathy and Projection

It's easy to do.  God knows I've done it.  This winter it was done unto me. In December, I miscarried twins about a week before moving into my second trimester.  The second trimester marks the beginning of a "safe zone," a stage where miscarriage is unlikely, and...

How Do We Move the Heaviest Needle?

How Do We Move the Heaviest Needle?

Last week was Equal Pay Day. The purpose of the day is to highlight the gender wage disparity, but let's be clear: The Equal Pay Act, which was passed into law in 1963 when JFK was President, is 54 years old.  It makes it illegal to pay women less, and yet, here we...

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