One of the things I hear consistently from my clients is, “I’m tired.”  I feel that, too.

As a coach and advocate, I spend a lot of time with data.  And as you might have noticed, it’s not moving as quickly as any of us would like.  The ERA was introduced in 1972.  Bille Jean King won the Battle of the Sexes in 1973.  Yet, we still have a problem with sexual harassment, a wage gap, a lack of female leadership, and no woman has held the highest office in the land.  It’s enough to make me feel defeated.

But if I give in to that feeling, then nothing changes.  That’s not an option.  Years ago, I had to lean some strategies to lift myself up, increase my energy, and stay on my game.  Check out today’s video as I share what works.

After watching let us know: anything you’re interested in implementing?  Or do you have a go-to strategy you’d be willing to share?  Let us know in the comments below.  Your knowledge and insight helps our entire tribe rise together.

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