It’s funny that I’m discussing this topic, because when I first learned about the Law of Attraction more than 10 years ago, I scoffed.  I had been stalking the previews for an upcoming Oprah episode featuring the teachers of The Secret. I could not wait to learn what the hell this secret was.

When I heard “thoughts become things,” I turned the channel.

So if I think of Clooney, he’ll magically appear?  Um, no.

It wasn’t until 6 years later, when my boss – A LAWYER – gave each of our team members the book that I gave it a shot.

And it worked.

Not overnight.  It was a slow build.  But the build was certain.

While the Law of Attraction, might seem airy fairy, especially to those of us who have been praised for our academic achievement. But what I’ve learned over time is that it’s not.

When you focus on something and believe it is achievable, it comes to your naturally.  The key is to make “naturally” actionable.  And what makes it actionable?


In 2012, I started keeping a gratitude list.  Each day, I write 10 items that I’m grateful for, and more importantly, why I’m grateful.  Since that time, big ticket items I thought of as a pipe dream have become my reality.  I don’t share this to brag.  I share this, because I know that the same is not only possible for you, but certain.

Again: it’s a slow build.  But it will build.  What do you have that you love?  Why do you love it?  When you feel that love, joy, happiness, abundance, you attract more of it to you.  The reason is simple: clarity.  When you’re clear about how much you value a person, place, or thing, and you feel it in your body, you see it in your environment.  It’s called confirmation bias.  As human, we literally shut out certain stimuli and tune with other stimuli based on what we perceive to be true.

With that knowledge, why not program ourselves to be biased towards the good?  What we focus on grows.

Interested in taking on our weekly challenge?  Try your hand at a gratitude journal for 21 days, and let us know what changes in the comments before.

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