It happens to me.  In fact, it’s happening today.

I get burned out on feminism, and liberation, and moving the needle.  It’s too slow, and the endless assaults and micro-aggressions are just too much sometimes.  I feel the need to check out.  The attempt at equality feels like too hard a climb.  I rather ignore it, or at least not talk about it.

It may sound cheesy, but my gratitude journal saves me from the downward spiral.  Stepping outside myself and shifting my perspective to how many amazing allies I have, my amazing tribe (that’s you! thank you!), and reminding myself that a few brave voices (Ashley Judd, Rose McGowan, Anita Hill) can actually change the course of history.

And speaking of history…

The midterm elections are coming.  This year, we know a record number of women are running for office.  The question is, how can we support them?  Here’s one way: don’t make assumptions.  I was having drinks with a super smart girlfriend the other night, the the issue of our local Congressional race came up.  We have a female candidate, and about 12 white guys running for the seat.  My friend raised concerns that the female wasn’t tough enough to withstand the criticism that she would face in debates and in the field.

Your bias is showing

For too long we’ve associated winning with the masculine traits of being assertive, aggressive, in action, and competitive.  Femininity is rarely, if even, associated with power and leadership.  Yet, feminism is powerful.  Feminine energy listens, allows, guides, and gentle, but firmly, set the boundaries and standards we need to live up to our core values.

If you’re in a funk, and wondering how to move this needle, look at your local races, and support female candidates who support your believes.  If you want to be seen and heard, then help elect a representative that looks like you.

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