Unfortunately, a toxic work environment is not uncommon.  More than 39% of all employees report being yelled at, verbally assaulated, called names, degraded, humiliated, threatened, physically, or sexual assaulted at work.  The behavior ranges from wrong and childish to criminal.

But did you know that women are far more likely to be victims of bullying at work?  While that fact is sobering, it’s not written in stone.  The behavior continues because we stay, and perhaps we’ve forgotten that we have a choice.  Or maybe the micro-aggressions turned criminal at a slow and steady pace.  Bullies rarely start off with their most toxic material, but test the waters to see what they can get away with before turning up the volume.  And for that reason, it can be hard to recognize just how much of our self esteem has chipped away.

How do you reclaim your power?  Start with this question.  And if you’d like to learn more about the ins and outs of Handling a Toxic Workplace, we’ll be going deeper on May 30th.

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