What’s your purpose?

Kind of a loaded question, right?  Some people are lucky enough to know their purpose early on, some of us never figure it out, and many of us find ourselves stuck somewhere in between: knowing what we wanted to do, but settling for a situation that doesn’t quite live up to the ideal we envisioned.

I found myself stuck somewhere in this gray middle, knowing that I wanted to be of service, knowing that I was deeply committed to the idea of justice, but losing my way on the how do I actually do it?

A lot of us find ourselves stuck in the gray middle.  My “Destination: Lost” was a result of listening to my fear rather than my own intuition.  Listening, and acting on our divine knowing is a process, and one that must be given daily attention.

But how?  Where do we even begin?

Enter Marta Manus.  Marta is an attorney, life coach, and career coach.  With her help, we break down the questions to ask, and the small action steps to take in order to connect with our greater purpose (and hint: it’s not a job title).

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