Why is change hard?

Have you heard the saying, everything you want is just outside your comfort zone?  If that’s the case, why is it so hard to leave that zone?

Well, our physiology.  In the thousands of years that humans have existed, our brains have not changed.  Which means we perceive all threats as the same.  A charging rhino triggers the same bodily response as a nasty email from our sister.  But here’s where it gets interesting:

Let’s say I’m walking my dog and a car nearly misses the two of us.  For my puppy, it take about 90 seconds for her fight, flight, or freeze response to reset.  For me…it could be 90 seconds or never.  Our human brain, with its great capacity for knowledge and logic thoughts tends to hold on when it won’t necessarily help.  What if… what we think will make us safer is actually holding us back from what we really want?  And what if we could change the pattern?

Tune in as we discuss the why, and the what to do about this evolutionary holdover.

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