Money, money, money, mooonneeyyyy.

Money is the stuff of legends.  It drives us forward, holds us back, and for many individuals, defines our world. But money is neither good nor bad, because it’s a stand in.  Money is something we made up.  It’s a system we created that exchanges value for value.  So the best way to make more money is to add more value.  And that starts with understanding your worth.

Many times, especially as women, we allow others to define our value, and as the wage gap indicates, women are often defined as less.  Women owned businesses receive a mere 2% of venture capital funding, and companies with one female founder account for only an additional 12%.  The wage gap indicates that women are paid anywhere from $.87 to $.54 (yup, $.54.  Not a typo.) depending on race.  And that’s abysmal not just for women, but for their families and the economy as a whole.  If women were paid the full dollar they deserve, it’s estimated that we’d add an additional $4.3 trillion to the economy.

Many times when advised about money, we’re provided a technical strategy, full of acronyms and complex formulas that make it inaccessible.  Today we’re talking about the concept of money and it’s spiritual side.  Tune in, take note, and understand this: YOU define your worth.  No one else.

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